Welcome to Spriggs Law Firm on the Web

The firm was established in 1971. Over the past 42 years more than 90% of the firm's time has been spent representing individuals in civil rights actions, the majority in class actions.
The primary emphasis has been on representing employees who have been discriminated against based on race, gender, pregnancy, and age. The kinds of illegal practices attacked have been discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, sexual and racial harassment, and unequal pay. The firm has litigated employment contract disputes, overtime, whistleblower, consumer fraud and qui tam.
The principal Kent Spriggs is now a sole practitioner.
The practice is divided into two areas. One is co-counseling with other firms on class actions. Within these co-counseling arrangements Kent specializes in discovery and analysis of electronic personnel records and working with the expert witnesses.
The other area of practice is pro bono international human rights. This has included representing those illegally detained at Guantánamo Bay, representing the School of Americas Watch, and assisted in the analysis of U.S. money used to destabilize sovereign Latin democracies.
Spriggs Law Firm
2007 West Randolph Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32308
850-556-0197 (cell)